Virtual Meditation Room | Brandi Matheson
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stress less.
Enjoy More.

'for Mental Health in Teens, Youth & Adults'

virtual meditation room

Welcome, dear friend, to this virtual meditation room! Enhance your well-being and elevate mindfulness through participating in group meditation within a nurturing online community. While meditation can be done alone, there are benefits to group practice. Group meditation allows us to commune in silence, supporting each other on this mindful journey.

Mindfulness Meditation, known as Vipassana or Insight Meditation, holds boasts a millennia-old heritage. This transformative practice aims to reduce the suffering that is caused by the habits of our own minds. As a result, we attain wisdom, insight and heightened sense of wellbeing, benefiting all.


Key benefits of mindfulness meditation include:

- Reduced stress

- Enhanced emotional regulation

- Improved cognition, attention, and focus

- Support for mental, emotional, and physical well-being

- Fostering self-awareness, joy, compassion, wisdom, and insight for personal growth and collective betterment.

what to expect:

In this virtual meditation room, you will experience real-time guided mindfulness meditations designed to nurture wellbeing. From breath and body awareness to cultivating wholesome states of mind, each session offers a unique opportunity to deepen your practice and connect with yourself and others on another level. There is no pressure to engage, just show up and be.

Whether you're new to meditation or have a well-established practice, you will be warmly received. My approach is grounded in compassion, curiosity, and non-judgment. All belief systems, backgrounds, and levels of experience are welcomed.

weekly guided meditation schedule:

The virtual meditation room is open multiple times each week. Kindly review the schedule accountments below before attending a session, as dates and times may change due to factors like holidays and personal commitments.

- Mondays: 11 am- 11:30 am 
- Wednesdays: 7 pm - 7:30 pm 
- Fridays: 7 am- 7:30 am

- Practice  + Q & A: Second Saturday of Every Month: 10 am - 11 am 

- Half Day Retreats: Last Sunday of Every Month: 9:30 - 1:00 pm

*Important Schedule Announcement*

The virtual meditation room will be unavailable from Monday, April 22nd to Saturday, April 27th.

half-day virtual meditation retreats:

Join me and a community of like-minded individuals on the final Sunday of each month for a half-day virtual meditation retreat from 9:30 am to 1 pm. These retreats are inclusive and and operate on a dana/donation basis. No one will be turned away due to a lack of funds. Click here for more information.

how to become a member:

Explore various membership options to join our meditation sessions. Opt for an advanced monthly membership for full access to weekly sessions and monthly retreats, or choose a basic monthly membership for weekly session access. Alternatively, attend individual sessions without a membership. Discover more details below:

- monthly membership fee:

  • $20 for unlimited access to weekly sessions. Cancel or suspend anytime. To set up a basic monthly membership click here.

- casual member fee:

  • $8 for a single live meditation session. To pay for a single session click here.

*Membership Terms and Conditions are accessible here.

* join the session

For simplicity, the Zoom link will stay consistent for all sessions. When it's time to join CLICK HERE.

Zoom Meeting ID: 819 7305 4149

Zoom Password: 664726

for any other inquires:

Send me, Brandi, a message below.

Soft knitted blanket and modern laptop on couch in living room. Interior element.jpg


CLICK HERE  to enter the virtual meditation room when its  time.

Meeting ID: 819 7305 4149

Password: 664726

Not sure if this is right for you?

You're welcome to attend your first live guided meditation session for free.

Let's Connect!

I would love to hear from you :)

Thanks for reaching out!

brandi matheson

contact me

email. | tel.604-309-9634

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